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Mushroom Leek Soup lowfat

* Few tablespoons fat free broth (whatever flavor, I used chicken)
* 2 tsp light margerine (optional)or Pam
* 2 bunches of leeks chopped, just the whites
* half pound of mushrooms chopped
* 1/4 c flour
* 1 tsp salt
* dash cayenne pepper
* 1 c fat free broth
* 3 c 1% milk
* 1 tbsp lemon juice (if you want to up the points use 1/4 c white wine or 1 tbsp dry sherry.

Sautee the leeks in some broth until tender then set aside. In remaining juice add the margerine if you're using it and sautee the mushrooms until tender. Add the flour, salt and cayenne, and then gradually the broth and milk. Cook it, stir it and bring to a boil. Add the lemon juice (this scared me but it was fine) and simmer for 10 more minutes.