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My Crafty Friend Corrina's New Venture Into Blogs!!

I recently joined a group on Facebook called Craft It Forward.  It is a great group that you make 5 handmade items and send it to the first five lucky people who sign up for your goodies. I have signed up for a few and also have 5 of my own friends to send things to. I have met many people through this but one special girl has become a very close friend. Her name is Corinna. (I call her Coral lol) Her and I have WAY too much in common NOT to be friends! She has started he own FB page Crafty Creations  her own crafty blog Crafty Creations Blog and a personal blog on her life being BiPolar- Bipolar Crafter. She is an amazing wife, mother and person, who I am very honored to call MY FRIEND!